Zuletzt aktualisiert am 4. October 2022
Below you will find helpful links regarding the field of spatial planning, the TU Wien and more!
Organizational units of TU Wien
- TU Wien
- Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning
- Institute of Spatial Planning
- Research Units of the Institute of Spatial Planning
- Admission Office TU Wien
- University Students’ Association at TU Wien (HTU)
- TU.it (Information Technology Solutions)
- Library TU Wien
Further institutions relevant to our studies
Spatial Planning Studies
- Lecture hall guide
- Electronic Data Processing-Laboratory of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning
- International Office (exchange programmes, international educational agreements, scholarships for abroad)
- IAESTE Vienna (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience)
- ÖH information for exchange programmes
Online services (elves for spatial planners)
- Statistics Austria
- Open Data Austria
- Map City of Vienna
- Digital zoning and development plan of the City of Vienna
Foreign Student Unions
- Advisory board of the Student Unions for Spatial Planning (BFSR)
- TU Berlin (Projektrat Stadt- und Regionalplanung)
- TU Cottbus (Fachschaft Urbitektur)
- TU Dortmund (Fachschaft Raumplanung)
- FH Erfurt (Fachschaft Stadt- und Raumplanung)
- HCU Hamburg (Fachschaftsrat Stadtplanung)
- TU Kaiserslautern (Fachschaft A/RU/BI – Architektur, Raum- und Umweltplanung und Bauingenieurwesen)
- Uni Kassel (Fachschaft ASL – Architektur – Stadtplanung – Landschaftsplanung)
- HSR Rapperswil (VSHSR)
- Uni Weimar (FachschaftsRat A&U)
- PlaNet – Association of European Planning Students
Spatial Planning in Austria
- Network Spatial Planning
- Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK)
- Federal Chamber of Civil Engineers and Architects
- Austrian Association of Municipalities
- Austrian Association of Cities
- Institute for Urban and Regional Research – Austrian Academy of Sciences
Spatial Planning without borders
- AESOP – Association of European Schools of Planning [EU]
- AESOP Young Academics Network [EU]
- IFR – Informationskreis für Raumplanung [DE]
- Planum – The Journal of Urbanism [IT]
- Generaldirektion Regio – Kommissionsdienststelle Regionalpolitik und Stadtentwicklung [EU]
- INFOREGIO (Info über Regionalpolitik der EU) [EU]
- Institut für Alpine Umwelt, Europäische Akademie Bozen [IT]
- IRAP Institut für Raumentwicklung, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil [CH]
- NSL – Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft, ETH Zürich [CH]
- IRL – Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung, ETH Zürich [CH]
- BMI – Bundesministerium des Innern, Bauen und Wohnen [DE]
- BBR – Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung [DE]
- Fakultät Raumplanung, TU Dortmund [DE]
- Fachbereich Raum- und Umweltplanung, TU Kaiserslautern [DE]
- ISR – Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung, TU Berlin [DE]
- ARL – Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung [DE]
- DIFU – Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik [DE]
- APL – School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University [UK]
- RTPI – Royal Town Planning Institute [UK]
Additional links
- Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
- Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML)
- Further
Landscape Planning
- Link collection by the Research Unit of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
- Austrian Society for Landscape Architecture (ÖGLA)
- RIS (Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria)
- Legal information, various laws (Jusline)
- Constitutional Court of Austria
- CORP GO Multimedia (+ additional links on this topic)
- Link collection by Research Unit SRF
Last updated: April 2020